This Article Originally Appeared
in the Dec/Jan 18/19 Issue of
Winemaker Magazine
in the Dec/Jan 18/19 Issue of
Winemaker Magazine

How Filtration
First off, we must
take a minute to explain what filtration is. Essentially filtration
works by passing wine through a filter media, be it a cellulose pad
or cartridge. As the wine moves through the filter, any microbes,
yeast, or other particles larger than the micron rating of the filter
are captured and prevented from moving through the filter media.
Producing a crystal clear product, and depending on the micron
rating, free of yeast and microbes, in other words: a stable wine.
Why We Filter
us start off with the biggest
reason home wine makers filter-Clarity.
Commercial wineries are expected
to produce a consistently
clear wine, whereas
home wine makers are not under such scrutiny. However,
even a single pass through a
filter-approximately 5-7
microns, will remove the
larger suspended particles and
give you an edge in competitions and enable you to produce a
professional looking product in the comfort of your own home. While
fining agents and subsequent rackings will
suffice in most instances,
there will always be that next level of clarity to achieve by which
is the only route.
Considering a consumer’s
first impression is a wine’s appearance, clarity is a significant
factor. Particularly with White
and Rose’
wines. The decision to
filter Reds
is based on artistic /
personal preference,
or due to necessity (I
will clarify on this decision below).
Over time Reds
will throw sediment anyway, and premium reds are not usually
filtered as some oxidation
may take place during the process.
some cases the
sediment is a sign of quality.
Personally, I filter my reds through a coarse
filter just
to remove the large particles that may
be floating around and
visible to the naked eye. I
I have found
this gives me a great looking product and
alleviates any fears of
floaties in the glass. Later in the article I will discuss which
filter size to use when
clarification is our main
Microbial Stability
Another reason wine is filtered is for microbial stability. Wines
with residual sugar, unfinished malolactic fermentation (MLF) or
have suffered the affects of Brettenomyces
other yeasts and
are at risk for spoilage issues once the wine is
in the bottle (although word on the street is if there is
in the winery, it is time to burn it down. This is a joke of course).
These problems can produce a fizzy, off tasting
wine that could even force the bottle to pop its cork or worse,
explode. Filtration for microbial stability is seldom performed in
the home setting usually due to experience, cost or equipment
availability. Coming close to sterile filtration without the big
plate and frame or cross-flow filters you see in wineries is possible
(I will expand more on this later).
Without the use of filtration, residual sugar can be addressed with
the use of potassium sorbate and unfinished malolactic fermentation
is kept under control with the use of Lysozyme. However, potassium
sorbate cannot be used in a wine that has undergone malolactic
fermentation, it will result in a geraniol flavor, which is a flaw.
Therefore if you have a wine that has undergone MLF and has residual
sugar, getting as close to sterile filtration as possible seems to be
your only choice for a stable wine that is safe to bottle.
Do I
Know What Microbes
Want to Filter?
of the microbes wineries
are most interested
in filtering out via sterile filtration are:
species, Kloeckera apiculata, Saccharomyces species,
bailii. Bacteria:
species, Lactobacillus species, Oenococcus oeni, Pediococcus
species. Without
a microscope and the know-how,
impossible to get down to the microbiological level of our wine in
the home winemaking setting.
makes it difficult to get
specific about what we are trying to filter out. Some
of these microbes or yeasts can present themselves with off flavors
or an offensive nose alerting
you to their presence in the wine,
them detectable
the use of a specialized equipment or
degree in microbiology. But,
in our situation the things
we are looking to filter out most
Saccharomyces species (cultured
wine yeast)
and Oenococcus oeni (malolactic
is just
in case
or malolactic fermentation does not finish and we would rather filter
than use additives to stabilize our wine (which
is not always an option).
are in the 5-10 micron (µm) range. Bacteria
get smaller in size, for
example: cocci can be from 0.5-3 µm in diameter, bacilli can range
from 0.2-2 µm. As you can see the filter choice does make a
difference in what you intend to filter. Although these sizes are
simplified, it should prove to be a guide to help you choose the
right filter for the job and be used as a springboard for further
research. (Let’s
Be Clear About Filtration by: Greg Howell (2008)
Filter Pore Sizes
Pore sizes are measured in microns (µm).
This means the smaller
the number, the tighter the pores
the filter
Buon Vino pads are rated-the higher the number, the tighter they are
on this below).
ability of the filter to remove microbes lends
itself to
the pore
sizes which
made to be smaller
than the yeast and microbes themselves,
not allowing
to pass through the filter media.
The usual
for winemakers are 7,
3, 2, 1, 0.5
and 0.45,
with other sizes for various stages in the process.
further break down the filter types, there are what is called the
and Absolute rating.
The nominal rating will filter out most
of the microbes above the micron measurement. Whereas the absolute
filter rating will filter out everything above the micron rating.
The industry standard for sterile filtration is 0.45 µm
it is not sterile by microbiological standards (which is 0.2 µm)
is still the standard for
sterile filtration in
wine making.
an effort to assist
you finding
a good fit for your
home winery, below
are filter units available to the home winemaker for
all yearly volumes produced.
Mini Jet
compact unit is made for small scale filtration: 5-10 gallons
(20-40L) at a time. This is perfect for those of you working with
kits, juice pails and smaller batches of wine. The Mini jet uses a
built in self-priming Flo-Jet pump to send the wine through the set
of three cellulose filter pads. This pump can also be used to rack
wine by bypassing the filter pads.
super jet is made for medium scale filtration: 13-26 gallons
(50-100L) at a time. This unit uses 20×20 cm cellulose filters pads
to do the job, and come in the same rating as its Mini Jet
counterpart. The Super Jet has also has a Flojet pump, and like the
Mini, can be used for racking wine. This gives you more bang for your
buck and allows you to pump large volumes of wine between tanks and
other large vessels. The Super Jet is equipped with a pressure gauge
so you know when the pads have become clogged with debris and need to
be changed.
you are making higher volumes of wine and have deeper pockets, the
Super Jet also has a six-pad option for filtration of up to 60
gallons at a time. The extra 3 pads allow for a longer filtration
session without the hassle of replacing pads. It can also be used for
racking wine from one vessel to another, which is great as another
piece of equipment is not needed for wine transfer.
filter pads for the Mini and Super Jet come in three different
Coarse Number 1 is approximately 7 microns and is meant for filtration of wines that are clear, but have some large suspended particulate. Perfect for reds and preparing a wine for filtration with tighter pads.
Polish Number 2 is approximately 2 microns and is meant for filtration of white, rose, or if you want to further polish a red wine. This set of pads should be used prior to using the number 3 pads.
Sterile Number 3 is approximately .5 microns. Although this pad set is labeled "sterile", it does not meet the industry standard of sterile filtration, which is .45 nominal. This pad set may remove some yeast, but should not be used in place of potassium sorbate when there is residual sugar present, or in place of Lysozyme if malolactic fermentation failed to finish. When using this pad, be sure to first filter with at least the number two pad set first, as any particulate in the wine will quickly clog up a pad of this micron rating. This pad set would be used if the polish pads did not filter to your liking and you desire a wine higher degree of clarity.
very small volumes, there is a plate and frame filter on various wine
making websites. This filter can be used by gravity or the wine
pushed through the filter between kegs with inert gas. However,
according to Techniques in Home Winemaking By: Daniel Pambianchi
(1999) page 177, the gravity versions may introduce excess oxygen
into the wine due to the length of time it takes to perform the
filtration process. Feel free to research these filters on your own.
filters and Vacuum Pumps
use of inline filters is becoming more popular as vacuum pumps like
the Enolmatic, the All in In One Wine Pump, and home made vacuum pump
set-ups are being used by home winemakers for various duties around
the home winery. A major benefit to using inline filters is oxygen
ingress is greatly reduced thanks to the whole filter operation being
enclosed. An added bonus is the filter housing is easier to clean and
sanitize too. Below are inline filtration kits for home winemakers.
All In One Wine Pump
the many uses for the All In One Wine Pump, one
is filtration. This
uses an inline 10" filter housing, with
cartridge filters available in many different micron ratings.
The owner and creator of the All in One Wine Pump,
Steve Helsper provides
a detailed list of equipment and some helpful set up tips
at This equipment can be purchased from
and bottle in separate
sessions, as a steady flow is warranted for effective filtration.
equipment list
should be closely followed as the incorrect filter housing could be
purchased if
you are not careful.
If you choose to buy the items on the list else
be sure to purchase the filter housing without the red button relief
valve, as this valve may open during the vacuum operation preventing
a good seal. The housing with the red button can be used with inert
gas between kegs, and wine pumps.
filter cartridges, such as a .45 nominal sterile cartridges by
can be purchased from Morewine,
these cartridges are said to work with any 10" housing. BevBrite
cartridges also come in
5, 3 and 1 micron ratings. When
or other cartridges,
you may
see they have an efficiency rating. This simply means what percent of
material will be filtered out at that particular micron rating.
an example, below is each level of efficiency and what they mean for
their 3 micron filter:
High Efficiency: Removes 90% of the material 3 micron or larger in a single pass.
Super High Efficiency: Removes 98% of the material 3 micron or larger in a single pass.
Absolute Efficiency: Removes 99.8% of the material 3 micron or larger in a single pass.
(Efficiency ratings from Morewine!)
Enolmatic has its own filter housing and filter cartridges made
specifically for the unit. Filter sizes come in 5, 1 and .5 microns,
which can be cleaned with Powder Brewery Wash after filtration to be
used again. The filter housing is installed between the vessel of
wine and the Enolmatic, and filtration takes place as the wine is
bottled. This makes for one less step in handling the wine, which
reduces exposure to oxygen and other baddies.
Pump Build
those of you that have built their own vacuum pump set-ups
racking and degassing wine,
the list of filtration equipment for the All in One Wine Pump can be
used. The difference is that the All in One Wine Pump has a precision
valve that regulates
flow control of the wine. This comes in handy to prevent wine flowing
the filter too fast. To remedy this, you can install a thumb valve in
between the vacuum pump and over-flow container. This allows some air
into the line to reduce the flow-rate, of which does not come in
contact with the wine. For more information on building your own
vacuum pump racking kit and installing an inline thumb valve, please
see my article Moving
Wine and Using Pumps in the Apr/May
issue of Winemaker Magazine.
for a Successful Filtration
When using a plate and frame filter, be sure to run a sulfite citric acid solution through the pads. Doing this not only sanitizes them, but it will also remove paper particles and other debris. One tablespoon of each per gallon will do. In my home winery, I run 5 gallons of this water through each set of pads. When I start the filtration procedure, I divert the first bit of liquid coming out of the filter into a pitcher, as it will be mostly water at first.
Filtration has its limitations and it can only do so much for the longevity of a wine’s clarity if certain tasks are not carried out during the wine making process; most notably cold stabilization and protein stability. If a wine is not cold stabilized by exposing it to below freezing temperatures for a period of time (usually 2-6 weeks depending on the temperature the wine is exposed to), the wine will throw tartrate crystals which will settle to the bottom of the bottle when chilled. While these crystals are not harmful, they can by mistaken for glass and they certainly are crunchy! White wines should also be protein stabilized by using Bentonite. This will prevent a haze from form forming and swirling around the bottle when you pull it off the wine rack. No amount of filtration will prevent these two things from happening and need to be completed during the winemaking process.
Be sure to filter at the Correct Stage in the process: Wineries are equipped to filter wine at various stages in the process, no matter the clarity or murkiness of the wine. Whereas we homers should stick to filtration at the end of the process when the wine is clear. You may be asking yourself: why would I filter a wine that is already clear? Filtration should take place after the wine has had ample time to for the suspended particles to settle to the bottom of the vessel. This takes time, racking from one vessel to another and possibly the use of a fining agent. Exceptions to the this recommendation are wines that fall bright faster than wines made with fruit such as kits and juice pails which lack the fruit matter from grapes. The fruit matter creates sediment that would quickly clog up the filter pads if filtered too soon. To get back to the question you had asked yourself above: If wine is not clear, as in read a newspaper through it clear, the filter pads or cartridge would immediately become clogged preventing the wine from being filtered. But if I can read a newspaper through it, why would I filter? As mentioned above, there is another level of clarity to be achieved by filtration. Large particles floating in the carboy may not be visible until the wine goes into the glass, and by then it is too later to filter! The difference is clear in a comparison between filtered and unfiltered wine, especially when you are outside and the sun is shining through your white or rose; the word brilliant comes to mind. When making the decision about the best time to filter, remember these six words: Filter no wine before it’s time.
Be sure to follow the instructions for which ever filter you use. For example, when using a plate and frame filter like the Mini-jet, be sure to insert the pads with coarse side facing outward toward the black knobs. Also, be sure to use the same grade of pads, you cannot mix filter pads of different micron ratings.
Prior to filtration, be sure to rack the clean wine off of any sediment as not to clog the filter. Buon Vino sells a pre-filter to install between the wine to be filtered and the filter itself. This protects the pump from oak bits and fruit matter to ensure it has a long life.
This should go without saying, but be sure to sanitize everything that will touch the wine, with the exception of a new filter cartridge which should be ready to use out of the bag.
Ensure your sulfite levels are in line before filtration. Plate and frame filtration can promote oxidation and sulfite is needed to protect the wine. If you have no method of sulfite management, give it a dose prior to filtering your wine.
If you intend to filter with a very tight pad such as a .5 or even a .45 micron filter media, it is necessary to step-filter down to that particular rating. For example, filtration through a 5 micron pad, then a 1 micron, and then down to .8 or .5 then .45 is recommended. It is impossible to go straight to the tighter pads immediately no matter then clarity of the wine. Reds have an even more difficult time moving through the tighter pads in general due to the amount of suspended particles (compared to White and Rose’ wine). So Reds should only ever need a polish filter unless further action is required to achieve microbial stability. At that point step-filtration is absolutely necessary.
As you can see filtration is a huge subject with a lot of ins and
outs, most are out of the scope of this article. I feel in this
article we just scratched the surface and this topic will require
further research on your part. But rest assured no matter what volume
of wine you make, there is a wine filter for you. Forget the rumors
and hearsay you have heard about what filtration can do to
your wine, ask yourself what it can do for your wine.
And rest easy knowing that there is no wine filter available to us
homers that can strip color or flavor. So grab yourself a filter, and
get ready to shine!
Be Clear About Filtration by: Greg Howell (2008)
Australian and New Zealand Grape Grower and Winemaker Issue 538 page
in Home Winemaking by: Daniel Pambianchi (1999)
The air filter maintenance guide is much appreciated. I was not that careful for indoor air before reading that article. Heating and Cooling Unionville
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